Because the Ys games are not released in chronological order (per Falcom's explanation, we are playing through the games in the order Adol's memoirs are being discovered), we can place each game on a timeline according to how old Adol was at the time of the game's events.

As cited in the Ys Wiki:

The only game currently set before Adol's birth is Ys Origin. A game's canonical "year" is equivalent to how old Adol was when it took place. So even though Ys I & II and Ys X were released more than 30 years apart, they still technically take place during the same year of Adol's life: 17 AC.

For fans of the series, this perhaps makes sense. After all, we already have direct equivalents to things in our own world with Ys's Afroca, the Romun Empire, Ispani, etc. Why not a BCE/CE-adjacent calendar system, too?

We also know from the original Ys I PC-88 Manual (translated) that Adol lives to be 63 years old, so we still have quite a large gap to fill in from Adol's exploring years.

If you'd like to know impossibly more information about the BC timeline, see Kirsten Miller's excellent (and spoiler-heavy, so be warned) article from 2016.

Gif Source Credits

Ys Origin: Mr. Bors
Ys I & II: KT YouTube
Ys III: Davidvinc RPGs
YS IV: Silent Channel
Ys V: Media Pool
Ys VI: Ardnux
Ys VII: Davidvinc RPGs
Ys VIII: RajmanGaming HD
Ys IX: Rubhen925
Ys X: Rubhen925